Spell Casters or simply...Wizards 

Wandering throughtout the wood, never stopping for long periods of time, or having any place of permanent rest, wizards roam the world assisting men in their endeavours with their magical powers and true wisdom. They may come, making their way along, appearing as an old, bearded man, cloaked in dark blue, grey or some other color with a walking stick or wand, wearing a long pointy hat and a thick belt strapped around their waste, wistling to themselves or admiring the bright blue sky. They are most hearty folk, often amusing little children with their magic and humor and showing up in the nick of time to help great warriors in their greatest need. They can summon a whole host of powerful creatures from the wood with the blink of an eye to aid those in battle or conjur a long, skinny pipe to smoke in their spare time. Wizards hold within their minds a special power which only they can use...it is called deep wisdom. A form of contemplation, once discovered long ago by the ancient monks of the emerald isle, it allows one to see into the very near future. The vision is very blurry and lasts only a short time, though the wizards seldom use it, fearing who else might be watching.

Wizards never appear in groups of more than two...no one knows why. They know many languages, even those which have been long forgotten by men, and can live for thousands of years, aging only slightly as time passes.

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